2024,  Visiting Kids

When Nature Comes Out to Play

Part One | Two | Three

I was trying to use AI to help me come up with a clever title that would fit the theme of this post, but ended up using what I was using in the search. Take that AI

After leaving Ward Charcoal Ovens, I noticed lightning striking off in the distance, so I would safely pull over every so often and film in slow motion to get footage (no audio) like so…

I made it back to a quiet little town, now being covered with the rain. I ventured over to a couple of casinos in town, then called it a night (after a quick walk).

The next day, I headed out of town and any time I noticed something worth capturing, I would pull over and work my magic. I spent an extra hour in traveling time making these stops.

Salt Flats (Utah) to the right, taken in Nevada.

I passed through Wendover, and was headed home when I glanced over and saw people standing inside the cage surrounding The Tree of Utah… 😱!!!

So I flipped around to head back and captured a few cloudy photographs of The Tree without the fence in the way. (Mile marker 27)

On the way to flip around to finally head home, I stopped at mile marker 21 to get a few photographs, but there was something left behind in the way. I didn’t want to stay long, so I quickly kept taking pictures of the area. I knew if this thing sitting on the GSL could talk, it would want to ask me one thing…

“Well it was about that time I realized that this was no ordinary trash left behind on the GSL, it was the god damn Salt Flats Nessie sculpture… Oh lord, it was scary!”

I know some of you get the reference, ha ha ha… the others who are confused click here. I would have kicked myself if I didn’t make the reference. Ok, back to my story.

After capturing photos around Nessie, I continued on to head home, but hit the storm cloud that I had seen off in the distance while I was at the Tree of Utah. It pelted hail at everyone’s vehicle who were driving in that area. Luckily, no damage to my car. (I made it home safely.)

The storm cloud I drove through in the background.

A few days had passed since getting back home and working a few shifts at work. Before I knew it, I was back on the road to pick up my kid to bring him home.

I spent the night in southern Utah, but since I let the kids spend time with their family for a birthday, I made my way over to Silver Reef, Utah right as the sun was setting.

Silver Reef is now a ghost town, but the land and some of the remaining buildings/foundations are now part of the town of Leeds, and homes are being built along the new road compared to what it looked like before.

Used from WCHSUtah.org
Green was the road I drove on, red was places I saw/photos.

I was first wandering around the Barbee-Walker Mill area that is 500 feet behind the museum, and I thought I was seeing things… but I really did see a wild turkey sitting in a tree 25-30’ in the air. That’s when I realized that the 1970’s TV show “WKRPlied to us about turkeys… they can fly, because I saw a couple more come flying up into the tree!

Son of a bitch

Well, after walking around near the mill area, I walked down the street and captured a few more photos during the final moments of daylight.

Not a cloud in sight.

I then drove over near the museum and walked around that area.

I sat down at the bench near the Rice Bank to relax for the first time since waking up that day. I was sitting there feeling bummed, knowing I didn’t really capture anything worthwhile that night… besides the turkeys.

I was also waiting to see if anything would happen along the area of Zion NP mountains off in the distance during the sunset as I watched the east get darker, but nothing.

As I was enjoying the moment sitting alone while thinking, along with listening to the sound of crickets (which sounded like mini jack hammers because it was still so hot), I slowly came to realize something very positive about my situation…

  • There were no clouds…
  • It’s getting dark as F with a fingernail moon that night…
  • My phone captures stars!
  • I’m just a few miles away from Grafton and Zion National Park
  • Those two places have a very low light pollution range…

That’s when I realized I was near a photographers gold mine…

Holy ****, dude!

I first drove over to Grafton and captured as many pictures as I could capture of the church schoolhouse and house, with the stars behind it. I knew my phone captured stars in the dark… but I did not know my phone was this powerful to capture colors with the stars to show galaxies, without the light pollution. I was ecstatic. To use the word correctly for the first time on my site, this was awesome!

If you don’t understand why I was blown away, is that in 2020, I had to use an app with my phone to capture NEOWISE with time exposure because the iPhone couldn’t do this in the basic camera app back then.

But now

I would try different settings/exposure lengths to try and get better photos in the dark. I know it’s not what a professional camera captures, but for a phone– you have to admit this is pretty incredible.

I then turned around and started capturing photos in the opposite direction, facing south towards the last stretch of road you drive in on. I just happened to capture the Milky Way dead center that night.

Looking south at The Milky Way… it makes you feel small now.

I captured/experimented all that I could at that area and then moved on to the graveyard nearby.

After finishing up in Grafton, I then I moved onward to Zion.

I was hoping it would be like Arches National Park [post] where you pay to enter during the daytime, free at night— nope. Just consider it an automated tollbooth.

Since I’m just experimenting on my own dime, I parked just outside the entrance and focused on capturing The Watchman of Zion along with the galaxy in the background. Due to a little more light pollution due to resorts in town, only a few photos turned out.

After capturing all I could in experimenting, I knew I needed to head back to the motel for the night (early morning). I will be coming back to those areas a lot more now when I visit.

I know the next day was August 1st, and I will write about August later, but all I did was pick my kid up and headed home. I also know that is a quick way to end it for July, but I have more to share about what we did before the summer ended and school began in the next post…

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