Adventure Lake City

I guess it has been a while since I have posted anything, but life has been changing and been busy.

Since I have a new phone with a much better camera (but still not quite a DSLR-type), I have been venturing around the Salt Lake Valley taking photographs of places I have been to, or to new places.

Near 5500 South and Wasatch Blvd, during the sunset one night.

In the middle of the month, Keith drove south with mom and Max to say goodbye to their pet dog. When it was time, I drove down to pick up Keith and bring him back home. We stopped in Fillmore to get photographs around the time of the sunset that day heading home.

Throughout May and June, I was really gun-ho over visiting the Great Salt Lake. A couple times I visited the Black Rock area (which was a bath house area prior to the first Saltair), but I spent more time around the location of the first two original Saltair buildings and surrounding land. I have been studying the history of all 3 Saltair’s, and have been mapping the area on Google Earth. It’s exactly 1 mile one way to the original foundation from the road, so you get one heck of a walk.

Click to see detailed

I missed my chance to capture the aurora on the first night in early May, but the next night when I took Keith out to the GSL to capture photos, everyone else and their neighbor was out at the GSL at midnight!!! Cars everywhere!

When there is water and it is not so hot/dry during the summer months, you can capture some of the most stunning photographs of the area and sunsets… but you have to deal with bugs and what I call “muck” (it’s a combination of “mud” and “*uck!”.)

The wind is powerful enough to push water onto dry land, which causes swirls and designs in the dirt later.

10-15 minute difference between photos.

One night, I walked around the Black Rock area. There was pools of water, enough to cause this style of reflections of the sunset in springtime months.

If you ever have driven on I-80, past the area of the original two Saltair’s (which is two miles north of the 3rd Saltair), it looks like nature is restoring itself. However, the further you walk out, you can still see a few remaining lumber posts that held up the pier, lumber from the pier or rollercoaster, piping and other man made objects many many years ago. With weather and nature, these are just a pinch of the items I captured around the area, which was like a treasure mine in a now trashed area. If you are wondering why I don’t post more of these pictures on social media… AI. Yes, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and all those sites state that they can use your photos to train AI, and I don’t agree with that. So I post more of them here instead.

Well, school ended and summer arrived. Max ventured up by shuttle and on June 2nd, we traveled to Downtown Salt Lake to let the kids participate in the Pride Parade and to then walk around the Pride Festival. Yes, this year was cheaper for tickets than last year, but while walking around in the heat that day I realized something… any event where you pay to enter and there are vendors, you are not there for the fun, you are paying to look at vendors. It’s not just the Pride event, it can be home and garden shows, boat shows, FanX, etc… We still had fun, but I will pass on future events like this where there are vendors.

Another day while Max was in town, I took the twins out to show them what I have discovered at the former Saltair location. We brought Brodie with us, and we had fun even though Keith was attacked by mosquitoes.

Ha. Trick photo illusions are fun.

My mom and stepdad took off for his property in Nevada, and we were home alone again until July.

During the month of June, I caught a summer cold and it passed to Keith. After I was not getting any better after a week (even though I had been to the doctor), I took Keith and I ventured to the ER early Father’s Day morning. I was given a few days off, and I finally got better enough to work. Since I had to take time off to get better, I had to trade my shifts that week and had to work my birthday. It’s ok though, because we watched and riffed on the cult classic “Carnival of Souls“.

Since I had those a few days to really get better, I felt better enough by the third evening off and went out to the GSL to get photographs. I’m glad I went because I captured some of my favorites because of the sunset show that night. Had I gone out later in the week, it was cloudy and I would have missed out on getting these pictures.

Like I said, I had to work on my birthday, so when I arrived home, Keith had a little surprise party for me. Thanks kiddo.

Video screenshot of my cake.

At the end of June, I had read the news that they are going to close the Redwood Drive-In in town, a big part of Salt Lake culture and our own memories. I stopped by the front of the entrance to capture photos of the grounds before they are torn down later.

If you are interested in looking at all the photos that I have taken from 2005 onwards to today, visit my Photos page.

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