From A to Zamboni

Well, March started off with me frantically searching for a new vehicle. Searching for a new vehicle is like the scene in Bee Movie when the bees get to pick out the job they will do for the rest of their lives, but the positions would appear and instantly be filled… just like cars for sale postings online.

So you have to act fast if searching for cars, otherwise someone else will test drive and buy the car.

I saw one vehicle that really caught my eye online at a dealership in Ogden worth driving 45 minutes away in evening traffic, so I called to confirm it was still there and we drove as a family all the way to Ogden to test drive it… only to find out that a salesman from another location came to take it and sell it without telling anyone there.

On the way home, we stopped and looked at another car at a dealership our family has purchased from before (right near my old place). The next day, I came back and test drove a couple vehicles and then put a down payment on the car I chose, and had a new car the next day.

As one who doesn’t care anymore about the latest and greatest (I dealt with that Mirage with no AC in the desert and other vehicles with issues), I must say this is the nicest car I have ever owned, even though it’s older than my last car and previously owned. If only the Bluetooth would cooperate with me and my phone!

Funny ending story to end this subject about cars. I had put down another down payment on another vehicle at the first dealership I stopped off at the day we went to Ogden, but changed my mind after doing research. When I went back there (after I now owned this new car) to get a refund for that deposit, and spotted the car I wanted in Ogden 2 cars over from where I parked… so that company lost a sale and my money.

So after getting my new car, I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. I believe I paid less for my new car, and it is in better condition than the one I wanted.

During March, I had 2 more art shows at Millcreek. No one else new I knew stopped by, and no more photographs sold. More on this in my April post…

My mom purchased tickets for us to go see “Fiddler on the Roof” at a local theater. The night I went, it was Keith, my sister and my grandma (other family members went earlier). Also, we ran into my neighbors while there. I had never seen the movie or play before, so I could only hear Gwen Stefani’s version of “If I Were a Rich Man” instead. We all had fun.

We celebrated both siblings’ birthdays.


One night out trying to take photos, I captured this from the hill I was at while trying to get photos of the sunset (I sped up the video x4). If you are wondering where I am at, I was at the Bonneville Shoreline Access Trailhead area, looking west towards Ensign Peak.

Heading back down the Avenues, looking south out onto the Salt Lake Valley.

During the last weekend of March, Max came up with their grandma to visit us. The kids spent the early part of Saturday at Holi, then came home and cleaned up before we all went to dinner as a big family. This was the first time the kids have been to a famous southern front porch restaurant.

A few months prior, my sister managed to get the chance to ride on a Zamboni at an Utah Grizzlies game between the 2nd and 3rd periods. So we all had a ticket to the game. So after eating dinner next to the Maverik Center, we walked over to the arena and watched the game in a suite.

Some of the family were on the new jumbo screen while I stepped out, so I missed my opportunity to be seen at a Grizzlies game (I have been on the screen at a Jazz game 20+ years ago). But a few moments before the 2nd period ended, my sister said “Peace Out”, and left to head downstairs to get prepped to sit and ride on the side of a Zamboni while it resurfaced the ice.

The period ended, and after entertainment, out she came sitting on the Zamboni. She did her thing on the Zamboni and well, it was all over in 6 minutes. I sped up the video below x4 to prevent it from getting boring. Plus, with all my years in observing television and film references in other media, I proudly give you this…

Popcorn anyone?
Grizzlies win!

We finished watching the Grizzlies stomp the opposing team, and headed home and watched South Park. The next day, Max headed back home.

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